October 2016 Vol #17 - Witch Way Magazine - DIGITAL
This 110 page Digital Pagan Magazine features curated articles about Pagan culture, craft, and daily life. Your October 2016 issue will help you explore traditions and techniques from a spirited new perspective, enabling you to grow and expand your knowledge base.
With 25-30 helpful articles per issue this is available in single page and spread format that will be easy to read on your tablet, phone or desktop! Sit back and relax with a cup of coffee as you enjoy, learn, discover, and inspire new passions within your craft!
- PDF of the October 2016 issue (spread format for easy desktop reading.)
- PDF of the October 2016 issue (single page format ideal for tablet and mobile reading)
- 8x10in size PDF
- 110 pages
- 25-30 Pagan Articles
- Spread and Spread format available
- Diverse group of contributors
- Articles on Pagan daily life, techniques, and craft from different perspectives.
1.) Add to cart and complete purchase.
2.) You will receive an email with your download.
3.) Open in device and enjoy!
*No Bloat Fall Fitness - Fit Witch
*Dream Divination
*Chapter 5 of the exclusive Witch Way story "A.U."
*Celebrating Samhain
*Boundary Crossed - Fiction Book Review
*Tarot Mysteries Rediscovering the Real Meaning of the Cards - Non-fiction Book Review
*So Weird - Bewitching TV Show Review
*Crystal of the Month - Carnelian
*Building Psychic Abilities
*History and Folklore of Halloween
*Mini-Meditation Techniques to use on the fly
*Recipes and more for your Samhain and Dumb Supper feast
*Verbena Apothecary and We'Moon Datebook Reviews
*Interview with Pagan author Tess Whitehurst
*Learn a Spread - Learn 2 Tarot Spreads to use this time of year!
*October Tarot Forecast
*Introducing a new column - Monthly Astrology forecasts
*We Tried Ghost Hunting so you wouldn't have to
*Pain Release spell
*Mirthful Mother - Children and the Unknown
*Monthly Affirmation
*Charon: The Ferryman of the River Stix
*Protectors and Gatekeepers - The roles of Spirits
*Parents and Paganism - Pagan Comic
*Herbal blends for October *The Herbal Witch
*Discovering The Spirit World (The Ether)
*The Overlooked and Vital role of Spirits in Witchcraft
*Preparing for a Dumb Supper
*The Games of the Dead that Children Play
Spells and rituals are for entertainment purposes only, Witch Way does not guarantee the outcome of any spell-work obtained from our magazines. This magazine is recommended for ages 18 and older. Editor is an ordained reverend.